The Future of Composites: Infinitely from A1 to D4 in a Single Syringe


Uniquely Esthetic : Outstanding Colour Adaptation

Smart Chromatic Technology: precisely 0.00026 millimeter sized beads and the translucency of the cured composite ensure that the right tooth shade is always created from light.

The innovation breakthrough from TOKUYAMA’s Research
The phenomenon of colour adaptation in chameleons is the same as with OMNICHROMA: the light strikes a very specific structure in the sub-micro or nanometer range.
The decisive question was: which structure, in other words, which size and shape do the fillers need to have for the light to reflect real tooth shades optimally?

In 2018, TOKUYAMA Research found the answer: the “Smart Chromatic Technology”. When light strikes small spherical fillers at exactly 0.26 µm the refraction and diffraction of the light generates the ideal red-yellow colour effect that is necessary to faithfully imitate the genuine tooth shade.
Excellent Color Match

In contrast to conventional composites, OMNICHROMA is intended to achieve an extreme colour change after curing and is also very practical when modeling.

Real tooth with cavity = natural tooth shade
Modeling the composite filling = white-opaque OMNICHROMA processing shade
After 20 sec. curing = semitranslucent OMNICHROMA shade result

Typical for OMNICHROMA: Opaque beforehand …

beautifully semi-translucent afterwards